Memorandum of Understanding Between Research Center for Cross-Strait and Chinese Societies Governance, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan (R.O.C.) and Center for Interdisciplinary Research on China, Kookmin University, Seoul, South Korea (R.O.K.)   

      國立成功大學兩岸與華人治理研究中心與首爾國民大學中國人文社會研究所在相互信任的基礎上,雙方對加強學術交流及促進科研合作懷着共同的願望。 雙方於2024年1月8日在台北中國文化大學,正式簽署合作及學術交流協定, 建立互惠互利的共同目標。 雙方同意如下: 

     (1) 雙方同意定期合作舉辦學術研討會,就各自研究領域內的學術課題進行交流。  

(2) 雙方同意加強人員交往,相互邀請對方單位的研究人員前來本單位進行科研、講座、授課等學術活動。 

(3) 雙方同意強化科研成果交流,交換學術刊物和研究報告,在各自單位的學術刊物上發表對方推薦的優秀學術成果。 

    Research Center for Cross-Strait and Chinese Societies Governance, National Cheng Kung University and the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on China, Kookmin University (hereinafter referred to as the Parties)share a common desire to enhance academic exchange and foster research collaboration based on mutual trust. The Parties agree to sign the Memorandum of Understanding on January 8, 2024, at Chinese Culture University in Taipei, Taiwan, to develop their common objectives for mutual benefit. The Parties have agreed as follows: 

 i.  The Parties agree to have regular cooperation and hold academic seminars to conduct ideas in accordance with each party's professional academic topics and research fields. 

 ii.  The Parties agree to promote people-to-people exchanges by inviting researchers from each other's institutions to participate in academic activities, including scientific research, lectures, and teaching. 

iv.  The Parties agree to enhance communication of research results through the exchange of journals and research reports, publishing outstanding academic work in each party's respective institutions.